Who should use our advanced copy & paste utility?

  • Every user who types the same things over and over: writing e-mails, talking in chats or on forums, writing often-repeated text: standard phrases, greetings, URLs, e-mail addresses, logins, passwords etc.
  • Software developers: for pasting common code templates, writing documentation, providing technical support, sending e-mail to users etc.
  • Web developers: to copy & paste HTML codes, insert current time and date, standard texts, paths to files, URLs and much more.
  • Technical support or customer service workers: to copy and paste standard answers when providing technical support via e-mail or web-based systems.
  • And other people who often work with text…
Read article: Quickly paste text by one hand

We've listed some of our users' success stories below.

If you have some particular interesting application of Flashpaste you want to share with others, please do not hesitate to submit your story to us so we can put your story to this page.

One of the participants of our poll.
Working in a callcenter, flashpaste has cut my workload to almost nill. I have a template for almost every call, so all I need to do is hit those points. This program enables me to better assist my customers with their support questions and not waste my time typing everything.

Alexey V. Gubin - independent software developer (www.z-a-recovery.com).
My s/w developer activities often involve writing kinda long pages of text… manuals, internal docs and all that stuff. Terms of the trade are long and typing them in each time is somewhat boring. Also typing the name of the software "Zero Assumption Digital Image Recovery" five times in a row made me wondering if I need to rename it to something shorter. Flashpaste appeared a great workload relief. Seamless operation combined with pretty easy installation and learning curve made it a must have tool in the garage.

Sergey - Web Designer (www.gamelinkage.com).
Sometimes when you design a web page there's a construction you need to use often. If there's only one such construction clipboard can help.But what to do when there're several such constructions? 10? 20? That's where FlashPaste comes to help. With this copy & paste program you can work with multiple templates, sets of links and much more.

Jeremy Harris.
My father and I run a website, www.helmetheadcyclegear.com, and the webstore manager that we use doesn't allow us to use a program like Dreamweaver for creating the pages for some individual products. Flashpaste really allows me to put a lot of code in place, where and when I need it. I had been using Notepad for this, and it was getting complicated. I found Flashpaste when I needed it most.

Thank you for such an awesome product!

Charles Burroughs, Ottawa
I write a regular column Internet, software, hardware, gadgets etc. for a French-language daily newspaper in Ottawa.
I have been searching forever, it seems, for a program to do just that: record and use blocks of text. I have tried everything so far: macros, different versions of super-clipboards, dedicated macro programs, but nothing seems to offer the flexibility and ease of use I have just witnessed in FlashPaste. I am looking forward to seeing the pro version, which I plan to review in the near future.

Jenni Tapanila, Helsinki - photographer
i'm a photographer as well as an admin on an art site. daily i have to repeat the same things over and over again, mostly thanking people for their feedback and comments, but also answering the most common questions concerning my work, most common requests concerning the user of my and so forth. and there's the admin job which again requires me to repeat the same things to users time after time. and then there's a numerous other things like signatures and links that i need to write occasionally. well not any more. flashpaste is a jewel for me.

We would love to hear how Flashpaste is changing the way you work. Share Your Story

Get Flashpaste
v. 6.6 February 22'2021

Get Portable
v. 6.6 February 22'2021

Happy People

This program runs very well on WinXP Pro. The small footprint, and ease of use makes this program well worth the time! It saves me time and headaches in repetitive work. I have enjoyed the simple nature of its use. Thanks for a freeware program that actually assists in the everyday needs of computerist users everywhere.

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