

Flashpaste can back up user data. All settings related to this feature are available on the "Backup" page of the Options dialog box.

Here you can:

  • Set path to the backup folder.
  • Activate Automatic Backup mode.
  • Set its interval. E.g. if you set "7", backup will be done weekly (if you run Flashpaste).
  • Make backup manually or quickly open backup folder.

Hint: It is strongly recommended to use automatic backup feature to avoid data loss or database corruption.

In addition to automatic backup you always can make backup manually. All you have to do is select File -> Backup -> Backup Now in Flashpaste main menu.

What is copied?

  • Common Database that is in current use.
  • Local Database (only if its use is enabled).
  • Configuration file - Flashpaste.cfg. Path to the file "C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Roaming\flashpaste\Flashpaste.cfg".

Note: All copied data is packed into zip archive named "Flashpaste Backup current_date_and_time.zip" and put into the folder that is defined in settings.