
Work with Local Database

The Local Database is a supplementary set of strings added to the main database. Suppose you use one common database for several persons, but each of you needs to have his personal unique strings. The Local Database is intended particularly for such cases. All you have to do is add your unique strings to it, allow it to be used in the program options and select the position of the folder with the local data in the common String Tree.

How to use the Local Database:

  1. Open the main window of Flashpaste;
  2. Select File -> Local Database in the main menu;
  3. Add your strings to it, use the "New Item" button;
  4. Open the Options dialog box (F4 or File -> Options), switch to the "Databases" tab and select the "Use Local Database" checkbox;
  5. Select the position of the Local folder : 0 - latest item, 1 - first item, any other number - position in the tree.
  6. Hit "Ok"

Now you can use the Local Database together with the main one.