
Silent Installer to install Flashpaste on a large number of PCs

Sometimes you may need to install Flashpaste on a large number of computers in your local area network at once using the same settings for all users. We created a silent installer especially for such cases. All you need to do is just create a setup file with installation options and start the Flashpaste installer with the necessary parameters.

Silent Installer

  • /S - Silent mode. Silent mode requires no user intervention and has no user interface.
  • /CFG=install.cfg - Specifies the file that contains installation options.

Note: Parameters are case sensitive! Thus, "/S" and and "/s" are different parameters.

So, the installer should be started approximately like this:Flashpaste_setup_file.exe /S /CFG=your_options_file.cfg

Setup file format

The following string must be used before the first command in your setup file:[main]

The following commands may be present in the setup file in any order:

  • INSTDIR=destination_folder_to_installation_flashpaste - You can redefine the program installation folder. Default value: "$PROGRAMFILES\Flashpaste\".
  • CopyFlashpasteCFG=X - Allows you to automatically copy the file flashpaste.cfg (it must exist in the current directory) to the user's computer. Possible values:
    • 0 - Do not copy the file.
    • 1 - Flashpaste.cfg will be copied to the folder "../Application data/flashpaste/" for Windows 2000/XP or to the folder INSTDIR for Windows 98/ME.Note: If this file already exists on the user's computer, it will be overwritten without any warning.
    • 2 - The file will be copied only if there is no such file on the user's computer.
  • key=your_registration_key - If you already have a registration key for the program, you can automatically set it on all computers.
  • RunWizard=X - Defines whether the Configuration wizard should be automatically started after Flashpaste is started for the first time.
    • 0 - Do not run.
    • 1 - Run Wizard.
  • CopyCommonDB=common_database_file_name.db - If you want to, you can copy the common database to the user's computer. In this case, the installation file of the program will be modified so that the program uses the specified database.
  • CopyLocalDB=local_database_file_name.db - Copies the local database.
  • UseCaching=1 - Enable caching.

Note: If you use the CopyCommonDB and CopyLocalDB commands, databases existing on the user's computer are overwritten without any warning.

Sample setup file

You can see a sample setup file for silent installation below. You can just copy this text and paste it into the file install.cfg. After that you will only have to edit the parameters so that they suit your situation.

;Configuration file for silent mode of Flashpaste installer
;Use it as: flashpaste_setup_file.exe  /S /CFG=install.cfg  
;  /S - Silent mode. Silent mode requires no user intervention and has no user interface.
;  /CFG=install.cfg  - Specifies the file that contains installation options.

; Uncomment line (delete ';') and change the installation path, if needed. 
; Default value is "$PROGRAMFILESFlashpaste"
;INSTDIR=c:Program Fileslashpaste

; If you want to automatically copy flashpaste.cfg to target PCs, put it to this
; folder and set CopyFlashpasteCFG value to:
;   = 0  - Installer won't copy flashpaste.cfg.
;   = 1  - Flashpaste.cfg will be copied to the "/Application data/flashpaste/" folder 
;          fow windows XP/2000 or to the "/INSTDIR/" for Windows 98/ME. 
;          Warning: If Flashpaste.cfg already exists in the target folder, 
;          it will be replaced without any prompt.
;   = 2  - Copy the file. If flashpaste.cfg is already present in the target
;		   folder it will NOT be overwritten.

; If you already have a registration key that should be installed to all PCs, put it after 
; the 'key=' in one line. Delete ';'. Installer will automatically register software.
;key=Place your registration key here

;Determines whether or not Flashpaste wizard will be shown after installation.
; = 0 - Disable Wizard. 
; = 1 - Start it.

; Using the silent installer you can prepare the Common Database andor the Local Database 
; and copy them to each PC.
; Prepare the Databases, put them to this folder and change the next parameters.
; Database will be copied to the "/Application data/flashpaste/" folder fow windows XP/2000 
; or to the "/INSTDIR/" for Windows 98/ME. Flashpaste configuration file will be changed, 
; thus Flashpaste will switch to the new database if it will be copied successfully.
; Note: Existing file will be replaced without any prompt. So, I suggest to use 
; unique database name i.e.
; CopyCommonDB=common_april_11_2006.db
; CopyLocalDB=local_april_11_2006.db
; In this case a new database will be placed side by side with the old one. So a user 
; can switch to the old database at any time.


;Enable aching.